Aug 30, 2023
Our second Full Moon in August is a splendid Blue Moon in Pisces. Generally a Pisces Full moon is dreamy, vast and maybe not so clear on what is being illuminated. This Pisces Full Moon receives the light of the Virgo sun to bring to illumination all the ways the shadows of Pisces have blocked the light of Virgo....
Aug 29, 2023
I want to celebrate all things Uranus in this continuation of a new series on the Planetary Processes! You’ll get a peak into my premium content while learning the necessary role Uranus has in our life and Work as well as its evolution through our chart that spark different life cycles. As one of our generation...
Aug 23, 2023
This Mercury Rx is in its home sign of Virgo - It’s time to get down to business and Earth by realigning to your practices that give coherence to your thoughts and actions. Virgo is about effectiveness and the routines we set up in our lives to live in our wholeness. While in retrograde is about realigning...
Aug 13, 2023
This Leo New Moon asks you to plant the seeds to confidently shine brighter with presence in your Work and to embrace, know and create your joy in your life and Work for Radiance. In this episode I touch upon the concept of how your presence and influence is what is need to exude radiance so that you can use your...
Aug 6, 2023
If you’re a changemaker, leader, organizer, or someone that works with clients, YOU, my friend need presence. Together, we will explore the transformative concept of presence and how embracing astrological archetypes can truly enhance our lives, especially during the magical Leo season. I firmly believe that each and...