Jul 22, 2023
This Venus Retrograde in Leo is asking you to re-ignite your value, connection and attraction from your heart-centered source of creativity, pleasure, and joy. Venus represents our ability to connect and attract the right people and resources we need to thrive and Leo is about reigniting your pleasure, play and joy...
Jul 16, 2023
This Cancer New Moon asks you to plant the seeds of acceptance. Acceptance is not about surrendering or giving up, but rather a conscious choice to acknowledge and embrace reality, to choose what to change, and to walk away from what is no longer needed. To embrace acceptance is to recognize how collectively we...
Jul 9, 2023
I want to celebrate all things Saturn in this continuation of a new series on the Planetary Processes! You’ll get a peak into my premium content while learning the necessary role Saturn has in our life and Work as well as his evolution through our chart that spark different life cycles. And for you, whatever house...
Jul 2, 2023
One of my most emotional and powerful episodes yet, so stick with me while the Cancer Capricorn vibes wash through. This is the one Full Moon that you will want to take in a do a break-free ritual. This is not just about releasing or letting go. This is about breaking the bonds that hold you back. During this...