Nov 29, 2020
You teach what you need to learn. Part of the entrepreneurial journey is learning big lessons and contributing that wisdom into the world. We’re still in Sagittarius, visioning season, so we’re going to learn about being seen from Asha Frost, who has a Sun/Jupiter conjunction that gives her vision and the ability to...
Nov 22, 2020
It’s Sagittarius season and it’s time to dream up that next level expansion in our businesses! All in time to take the lessons of 2020 and evolve into our highest good in 2021. In this episode, I’ll share with you how you are meant to expand the horizons of your business using your Sagittarius planets and house...
Nov 15, 2020
We are in between a few powerful cosmic cycles and two seasons of Scorpio finally giving way to Sagittarius. It’s time to reflect and integrate all the parts of ourselves shifting forward. We look at the rather quiet astrology of next week, with a reminder to get your New Moon in Scorpio ritual going - it’s not too...
Nov 11, 2020
This week we have Mars Retrograde ending! I got so excited talking about this powerful astrological week we are in with New Moon in Scorpio and the third conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto that I forgot to mention Mars! All these cycles are divinely timed, leading into each other. Mars, our drive, motivation and...
Nov 8, 2020
The third and final Jupiter / Pluto conjunction and the Scorpio Super New Moon is potent! Giving us one of the most powerful weeks in 2020. This energy is asking you to decide on your next expansive evolution in your business and giving you the chance to plant the seeds of intuition so that you can trust and invest in...