Mar 31, 2021
In Aries season it's definitely time to talk about leadership and your Rising (aka Ascendant). What I love most about our Rising sign (aka Ascendant) is that it shows us the power we need to step into to be an authentic leader. In this episode I’ll share the ways you can embrace your leadership style, whether you are...
Mar 28, 2021
We are in our last week of March, quickly approaching April, I know that you are feeling the fire under you to get things started. This week we get to work with the full Moon in Libra. We get to use this energy to release all the things that hold you back from your leadership. In this episode I give you your Libra Full...
Mar 21, 2021
The equinox is a special time of year based on an astronomical
event where the earth is the midway point between the two
No matter where are you live on earth, this is a time of taking
flight and of starting over of planting new seeds.
In today’s episode, the beautiful Asha Frost, an...
Mar 17, 2021
Steph Gaudreau, author, podcast host, and brilliant intuitive Pisces with a massive following on Instagram lives from a place of compassion as a practice. Compassion began with herself as she spent years of her life unlearning systemic ideals about body image and size. Now, she takes her vast knowledge of the science...
Mar 14, 2021
Astrology for Entrepreneurs Biz StarCast for the week of March 14-20, 2021. Another fairly quiet week for us. This week highlights Mercury leaving the shadow zone and stays in Aquarius for a couple of days before it also goes into Pisces. At the end of the week, we will have focused motivations when Mars trans Saturn to...