Dec 27, 2020
What does 2021 have in store for you and your business? For all the challenges we’ve endured in 2020, it’s taught us how to be patient, how to be flexible, how to do with less and how to get comfortable with uncertainty. These are all energies that successful entrepreneurs need. As we move into 2021, big change is...
Dec 20, 2020
The great Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Aquarius is the activation we’ve been waiting for all year. But what does this mean for our work and business? It’s the beginning of a new era. On the powerful Solstice, when the Sun enters Capricorn, bringing in light in the Northern Hemisphere, the timelords, Jupiter and...
Dec 13, 2020
We are building up this week with a total solar eclipse - New Moon in Sagittarius. While I normally love doing intention setting rituals for New Moons, this isn’t your ordinary New Moon as this eclipse is bound to shake things up, especially as it activates the South Node of past patterns and things we need to let go...
Dec 6, 2020
Being visible isn’t about showing up everywhere, always saying yes or getting an instant sale. It’s about building relationships with your people, the ones that are ready to receive your wisdom. It’s about asking for speaking opportunities and being able to hear no, and it’s about being invited to speaking...